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Non Game Donations

Welcome to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Program Donation site.

Each year, the Nongame Program must raise $100,000 through private contributions to meet a matching grant from the state. That means your contributions toward this annual goal are matched dollar for dollar! Since 1988, private contributions have provided the foundation for the conservation and protection of more than 400 species that are not hunted, fished or trapped in the state and the habitats they depend on. And – all donations are tax deductible!
Donator Information
Mailing Address
Contact Information
Donation Type
Donation Amount: $ 
All donors are recognized on the NH Fish and Game Website. If you wish to remain anonymous, please check here.

Note: With a contribution of $40 or more, you will receive a limited edition premium as well as a subscription to our award winning Wildlines quarterly newsletter.