Technical Support : 1-877-450-4994
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a printer to purchase a license online?

Yes although this site is mobile friendly, in order for a license to be valid it must be printed out and signed by the applicant.  For fishing licenses (NOT HUNTING) a pdf or other fixed image of a valid license visible on a smart phone is sufficient to comply with the law, as long as the Conservation Officer can view the information contained and a photo ID can be presented.  It is your responsibility to print your license, it will not be mailed to you.

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What do I do if my printer failed when printing the license?

After your printer/computer problem is fixed, you can type the URL for your license in the address bar of your browser.  This URL was sent to you in your confirmation email, however, you may also just go to 'reprint license' which is one of the options on the first page.  .

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What do I do if I lose my license or it gets wet and I need to print another one?

After you complete the license transaction process, you will automatically receive (via email) a purchase receipt and a URL address that keeps a printable copy of your license, if within 48 hours of purchase. If over 48 hours, you will need to 'reprint license' which is one of the options on the first page.

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How can my minor child purchase a license without a driver's license?

Minors under 18 years of age who do not yet have a driver's license or state issued non-driver photo identification, may enter their parent or legal guardian's driver's license number when purchasing a NH Hunting or Fishing license. Those over the age of 18 years must have their own driver's license or state issued non-driver photo identification.

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Is the online licensing website secure for credit card transactions?

Yes, when a user begins to purchase a license in our licensing module, the browser and our server enter a secure connection through TLS (Transport Layer Security). Throughout the entire process, all entered data (not only the credit card information, but all the personal information, as well as items selected for purchasing (licenses, permits, applications, etc.)) will be encrypted. In the browser's Location/Address bar, the user should see https:// instead of http://. Our online licensing website is certified by Starfield Technologies.  You must use one of the following browsers:  Internet Explorer V 11 or higher, Edge all Versions, FireFox Version 31 or higher, Chrome Version 30 or higher

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Is there a physical card I need to carry for Hike Safe?

No, the information can be printed out by the consumer at the time of purchase or may be reprinted using 'Reprint Your Hike Safe Card' button on main menu - it is not required to carry the card

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Does the online licensing website offer resident and nonresident fishing/hunting licenses?

Yes. If you qualify as a New Hampshire resident (must hold a valid NH Driver's License or NH Dept. of Safety issued non-driver's photo identification), you will eligible for the NH resident license types/resident rates.  Otherwise you will be considered a nonresident and the nonresident license types will be available for you.

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What is the $2.50 Wildlife Habitat Fee?

Ever wonder where that $2.50 Wildlife Habitat Fee on your hunting license goes?  Those funds are used in combination with federal dollars to conserve and manage public and private lands for wildlife and wildlife-based recreation, particularly hunting.  Learn how some of those funds are being used by the Department's Wildlife Habitat Program  to conserve healthy habitats that provide places for you and future generations to enjoy our outdoor traditions.  The latest edition of the Wildlife Habitat Program report is available at this link: .

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What type of payment does the online accept?

Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.

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Is there a transaction fee involved with purchasing licenses online?

Yes a $2.75 internet transaction fee and a 2.5 % credit card fee will be charged for each purchase of licenses or permits.

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What are the contact numbers for licensing questions at NHFG?

Phone: (603) 271-3421 or (603) 271-3422 Email:

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What is the address for NHFG?

The mailing address for general correspondence is: New Hampshire Fish and Game Department 11 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301

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Can computer generated licenses purchased at the POS agents be reprinted through the internet?

Yes if purchased at a license agent, it must be at least 1 week from the date of issue otherwise you will need to go back to the original issuing agent.

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